How To Reduce The Price Of Your Home Gracefully

by Mark Handy 01/23/2019

If your home is on the market, you may wonder why it hasn’t moved off the market. There are many ways to make adjustments to the price of your home, but if not done correctly, you could sabotage the sale of your home. Let’s say that you have your home as an FSBO (For sale by owner.) Buyers may wonder what’s behind the price of the house. Does the seller genuinely want to move the home to the sold category quickly? Why has the home been for sale so long? 

You could face the same problems if you’re working with an agency. The difference is that s a seller, the agency is by your side, helping you to make the right decisions when it comes to pricing your home.

Realistic Expectations

You need to be realistic when pricing your home as a seller. Of course, you want to make a return on your home. Of course, you think your home has great value. The critical point is that you need to understand the state of the market along with the neighborhood your home is located. So much goes into the pricing of a house. 


Along with your agent, you can do some investigating to see where some improvements could be made in marketing your home. Look at the following:

How has the house been received on the MLS?

Are the significant benefits of the home highlighted?

How many open house opportunities did buyers have?

Are there good pictures of the house online? 

Do the signs leading to the house stand out? 

Can you add anything to the marketing of the home like a virtual tour? 

While real estate agents have general guidelines as to how a home at a certain price point should be marketed, you can always be your own advocate.

The Consequences Of High Pricing

If you price your home too high, there are some consequences. Your home will stay on the market for an extended period of time if it's overpriced. Buyers will wonder why the house has been listed for so long, wondering if there’s something wrong with the property. Buyers will wait even longer to bite on the home in these circumstances because they are waiting for a price drop. 

The Solution

The best thing you can do in this circumstance is to take your home off the market. Work with your real estate agent. He can let you know whether it’s a good time to re-list the home. Perhaps you can make some improvements to the property in the meantime. A fresh listing and a clean look at the house may help buyers to find the property more easily at a price that pleases them!      

About the Author

Mark Handy

"The Cape Guy"

Helping buyers and sellers find their dream homes in Cape Cod, MA, Cape Coral, FL and surrounding towns. Call me today for a Free Market Analysis and let me show you my marketing plan to help you sell your property quickly and for the best possible price.